Sunday, June 30, 2019


I admire men and women of who demonstrate their strength, courage and humanity in their behavior as well as their words. They:

Lift others up, rather than put them down.
Recognize the worth and value of ALL human beings.
Are willing to acknowledge their own weaknesses and failures.
Accept criticism and respect differing opinions.
Have the courage to apologize when one is due.
Are aware of their own shortcomings and strength.
Are not afraid to ask for help.
Know how to balance pride and humility.
Speak the truth (this is tough for all politicians)
Value people for who they are, and not their social and economic status.

Do not bully and call others demeaning names.
Do not need constant affirmation and praise.
Do not need to belittle and mock others to make them selves feel and look strong.
Do not need to lie.