Saturday, October 8, 2016



Time swiftly rushes past me,
Pushing me ahead faster than I want to move.
I brace myself not to be blown forward into what is yet to be.

At the same time it is flowing through me.
A gentle breeze pushing against me,
Urging me back to what is no longer there.

I have no choice.

Winds of Time

The winds of time blow ever violently behind me,
Pushing me forward faster than I want to go,
To unfamiliar places, to what is yet to be.

At the same time a gentler wind,
Almost a breeze, blows softly in my face,
Urging me backwards to where I have been,
To the familiar, to what was and is no more.

I am moving in opposite directions,
And that feels good.
I embrace the hope and promise of what lies ahead,
And find comfort in the memories of the past.

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