Tuesday, April 19, 2016



Friendships, like family bonds, are all different.   Some are casual and occasional while others are strong and intense, each serving a purpose or filling a need.  There are friends whose company we enjoy because they are fun and make us laugh.  There are others who share our interests in work or play with whom we can commiserate, and there are those with whom we share our souls.

Every friendship is a precious gift, to be valued and nurtured, whether it is casual, intense, occasional, or constant.

We all have friends whom we consider to be best friends; those special relationships that transcend explanation and withstand all tests of time and distance.  They are rare and should be cherished and protected.  These are the people that have the potential to affect the way we view the world and/or influence our behavior.

Occasionally we find ourselves diametrically opposite to a dear friend on some major issue - political, social, spiritual, or otherwise.  That is when we discover the strength of those bonds that are so difficult to describe; the friendship trumps all the differences.

Consciously or unconsciously, friends strive to make one another feel good about themselves, casting each other in a positive light, offering encouragement, support, and when needed, defense.

I am realizing now that the distinction I’ve held between friendship and love is arbitrary and invalid.  The two are one in the same, and I am chagrined that it has taken me this long to learn that.

There is a line in the song, What a Wonderful World, that goes like this: “I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do? They’re really saying, I love you.” Wouldn’t it me nice if we treated everyone like a friend?

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